
 演讲嘉宾     |      2019-09-26 11:51


周凡:滴滴开发工具团队负责人、曾在Google任职Senior SETI in Google Cloud。
10-year experience at Google and comprehensive knowledge on Google Technical Infrastructure.
Engineering experience in multiple planet scale projects that serve Google core products.
Rich architecture knowledge on large scale distributed system from development to operation.
Expert knowledge in engineer productivity tools and platforms.
Comprehensive experience of SWE, SETI and SRE duties at Google.
Experience of project management with cross-team,cross-site collaboration effort on high profiled projects(Google SDN Infra and Google Cloud Platforms).
People management skills in teams that with 50+ engineers.


演讲摘要:-Tools at Google in general
     -Tool Features
     -Tool Examples
     -Dependency Management
     -Build in the Cloud
     -Automation as Code
     -Codebase Ecosystem
     -Tools Team Features
     -Tools Value at Google
